Dear supporters,
According to the recent tragic events, I decided to raise funds for Syrian kids. There are almost 500'000 oprhans due to the war perpretated by Islamic State. From to
day (November 20) until January 1st, 2016, I decided to do something for them: 1/2 of the money I'll earn from my art sales (artbooks, posters, t-shirts, etc) will be donated to the International Commitee of the Red Cross, for Syrian children. For example, if your order an artbook "Memory Lane" from the US ($30 for the book + $15 for shipping fees = $45), $23 will go to ICRC.
Keep in mind I'm losing money in doing so. Sorry I unfortunately can't afford to give all the benefits. My goal is not to earn money, but to help innocent people in Syria. You can directly donate to ICRC, or remember than in ordering something cool from me you'll be part of a good action.
Thanks for reading, much love and support to all the victime around the globe. Let's try to help those kids to have a decent Christmas! >>My shop<<