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Angel Dust (work in progress)


"Angel Dust" is Tuan's current artbook in the making and will introduce you to Mari, Cypress, Dahlia, Lily and Tilia. A group of 5 innocent looking girls who are actually deeply involved in criminal activities for the better and for the worse...


Dark, mysterious, violent, "Angel Dust" is the beginning of Tuan's most ambitious personal projects alongside his manga "Cliché". "Angel Dust" and "Cliché" share the same universe and characters, as you'll find some of them in both releases. If you wish to understand "Cliché" whole story and the relations between the main characters, you'll have to read "Angel Dust" as well.


"Angel Dust" is still under process. If you wish to support Tuan, you can join "Angel Dust" Facebook page and/or become one of Tuan's Patron on Patreon.


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Work in progress

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